REV saddle by Stübben x Martin Ryan

One saddle, three disciplines. The Stübben x Martin Ryan REV saddle is the true all-purpose saddle.

Without flaps

Stubben x Martin Ryan REV Saddle with jumping flaps

Jumping Flaps

Stubben x Martin Ryan REV Saddle with dressage flaps

Dressage Flaps

With trekking flaps

Trekking Flaps

The new saddle REVolution from makers, Stübben, in collaboration with the award-winning innovator, Martin Ryan offers ultimate comfort for both horse and rider. Through a unique modular system the saddle supports interchangeable flaps and an unbeatable fit across a wide range of wither profiles, all with just one saddle.

Unique Modularity

Maximum Comfort

Whether jumping, dressage or longer trekking rides, this saddle allows you to combine the different equestrian disciplines in just one model.

The saddle tree comes with a three-point girthing system, delivering a secure and even contact with the horse, as well as double stirrup bar that offers two different leg positions, forward (jumping) or backward (dressage).

unbeschwertes ausdehnen des brustkorbes

The elastic rings allow your horse to breathe better. They expand and contract with the horse´s rib cage and maintain an even and comfortable tension.

Stubben Equi-Soft Girth

The Equi-Soft® girth has a flexible ergonomic shape. This special design provides freedom of movement for your horse and significantly reduces girthiness.

Stubben Equi-Soft Girth

The elastic rings of the Equi-Soft® give the horse freedom of movement, lower the girth pressure and thus reduce the stress level of the horse.


The unique tree design allows the riders weight to be distributed along the horses back and off the horses shoulder, and alleviating point load on the shoulder. More over, the design shortens the head of the tree, and cuts it back off the shoulder. This reduces the need for adjustment between horses and allows it to fit a wider range of horses without adjustment. Check out the videos below

As soon as the rider sits down in the saddle, the saddle chamber opens and provides incredible relief for the horses shoulder. 

Book a private fitting

Contact us to trial the REV saddle for yourself and learn more about award winning innovation and technology.

Modular & Interchangeable

"I have 35 different saddles and today I choose the REV saddle for all my horses across all disciplines. I am simply convinced they feel freer and happier in this saddle - it’s a true game changer!"

Julia Mestern,

German International 4* Eventer

"This saddle concept is revolutionary and offers noticeably more comfort and convenience for horse and rider. True to my motto: 'keep your horse happy"

Dr. Matthias Baumann,

Veterinarian & Olympic Team Champion, Eventing

Multi-Award Winning

Dyson Design Innovation Award Winner

One of the worlds most synonymous design awards

Equitana - Innovation Award Finalist

Europes leading horse retail event

Institute of Designers Ireland, Product Design Award Winner

Irelands leading design awards

JEC Composites Innovation Award Winner

The world’s leading composite show held in Paris.

ISPO Sports Product Design Award Finalist

The worlds leading sports product award, Munich, Germany

Simply the best saddle for Horse and Rider


3 point girth fixing – secure and stable on horse, 2 stirrup bar positions – addressing jump and dressage, front to rear pressure distribution on horses back though a unique tree panel surface.


Innovative shock absorbing saddle tree that dissipates hard, unwanted / uncontrolled impacts between rider and horse


Adjust between a narrow and wide fit by attachment of chamber wedges 

Interchangeable saddle pads (Dressage, Jump or Trek / GP)


Even without adjustment, the unique saddle tree self adapts to suit a wider range of shapes and wither profiles